The 50 Year Mortgage-Pros and Cons

Sunday, June 28, 2009

With the 40 year mortgage becoming increasingly common in states such as California, where high home prices make mortgages less affordable for the average home-buyer, the latest mortgage product has been rolled out-the 50 year mortgage.

During the 1980s, mortgage interest rates in America topped 18%, prompting the introduction of the 40 year mortgage. The 40 year mortgage increased in popularity again in 2005, when Fannie Mae introduced a program to offer these extended-term mortgages. In 2007, approximately five percent of all mortgages are 40 year mortgages, with that figure reaching 25% in high-cost housing markets such as on the West Coast. With the 40 year mortgage becoming a more main-stream product, the 50 year mortgage has been introduced. While this type of mortgage further reduces the monthly cost of loan repayments, there are some definite disadvantages involved.

The Pros

The main advantage of choosing a 50 year mortgage is a fairly obvious one-the extended terms of the mortgage make monthly repayments lower, and it means that owning a home becomes more affordable. There's not always a huge difference between the monthly repayment on a 40 year mortgage and on a 50 year mortgage, but those few dollars can mean the difference between affording your own home now and having to wait a few more years to save a larger down-payment.

One of the important things to note about the 50 year mortgage is that after the first five years, the interest rate is adjustable. That means after the fixed-rate period is over, your interest rate can increase and decrease along with current market rates. This is one of the aspects of the 50 year mortgage that keeps that initial interest rate so low. If you're looking for a low-cost mortgage with a view to refinancing within five years, the 50 year mortgage can be a good way of approaching this.

Finally, the 50 year mortgage is typically a safer way of affording a home if you're unable to afford a conventional 30 year fixed-rate mortgage. Options such as interest only loans or balloon mortgages offer initial lower payments, but these come with some very risky drawbacks. Unlike other low-initial-cost mortgage options such as the interest-only mortgage, there's no possibility that you'll end up with negative amortization with a 50 year mortgage. This makes it a much safer way of achieving a lower-cost mortgage.

The Cons

Of course, the 50 year mortgage has some drawbacks of its own. Tacking that extra ten years onto the terms of the loan means you add a big chunk of interest, making the total cost of the loan significantly higher. That 50 year long will reduce the amount you must pay each month, but over the life of the loan it's going to cost you. In addition, the interest rate on a 50 year mortgage is typically slightly higher than with a 30 year or even a 40 year mortgage. Longer terms mean increased risk for the lender, and you pay for that risk with extra percentage points on your interest rate. It may not be much-less than 1%-but even that adds several thousand dollars to your loan total.

Another disadvantage with the 50 year loan is a result of the way in which mortgage payments are structured. All conventional mortgages are front-loaded with interest, meaning that the first years of repayments are almost all interest, and you don't start paying off a significant amount of principle immediately. The longer the terms of the mortgage, the longer it takes to build up equity in your home-more than twice as long to build up just 20% equity in comparison to a 30 year mortgage.

A related problem with this very slow build-up of equity occurs in cases where your down-payment is less than 20% of the home's appraised value. In these cases your lender typically requires you pay for private mortgage insurance until you reach that 20% equity figure. With a 50 year mortgage, it'll take much longer to reach 20%, so you'll be paying extra for private mortgage insurance for much longer than with any other type of loan.

What does this mean for Home-Buyers?

For people who find that the 30 or 40 year mortgages aren't affordable, the 50 year mortgage can make the dream of home-ownership a reality, but these mortgages are best used with a view to refinancing as soon as possible. The 50 year mortgage shouldn't be considered a long-term loan, simply because those extended terms are so expensive in the long run. As long as you're planning to refinance within five to ten years, the 50 year mortgage is a good alternative to riskier low-cost products such as the interest-only mortgage.


How to Get the Best Mortgage for you

Saturday, June 27, 2009

By the end of this article you should have more idea on how to get the best mortgage for you. The first thing to say is take your time, the mortgage that you do take out could be over 25 years so you want to ensure the mortgage that you pick is the right mortgage for you. Don’t rush into what may be your life’s biggest commitment, your mortgage, by taking what at face value can seem to be the best mortgage for you. Find out what mortgages are on offer from your local bank, building societies and even mortgage brokers. Taking time with your mortgage selection can mean, over time, you make greater savings on your mortgage.

By carrying out good market research for your mortgage, whether it is for the first house that you buy, a home improvement mortgage or a remortgage, ensure that you research it fully. You will need to know all the costs associated with your mortgage, from things like a valuation fee, fixed rate fee to the deposit required by your lender, to the equity you have in your home. All are important factors when considering a mortgage.

Make sure you get quotes

There are many mortgage lenders in the market today, and all have different terms and conditions that they can offer to you. Ensure that you get quotes for your mortgage from different sources. Building societies and banks are most people’s first port of call for a mortgage, but you could also arrange your mortgage via a mortgage broker. A mortgage broker could have access to many lenders and plans and this may be the way for you to research a whole host of mortgage products and mortgage lenders. Quotes for your mortgage are normally provided free by both mortgage brokers and building societies.

Check out the costs involved

Mortgages always come with a cost, whether this is your monthly repayment, the valuation fee, the solicitors costs, the indemnity guarantee or stamp duty. All are costs that can be associated with your mortgage. Research what the lenders fees are for your mortgage, or the mortgage broker’s fee, and ensure the rate and type is what you require.

A buzz word of the mortgage market is the APR the annual percentage rate (APR). The APR takes into account not only the interest rate but also broker fees and certain other credit charges that you may be required to pay, expressed as a yearly rate.

All lenders or brokers will give you an estimate of its fees and costs. The fees you pay for your mortgage can vary enormously, some you can add to your mortgage, some you will need to supply and you need to discuss them fully with your mortgage provider.

How to get the best mortgage for you

After you have carried out your research on the mortgage market and gained your mortgage quotations, take time to study and fully understand the mortgage you want. If you are not sure of anything ring them and discuss the parts of the mortgage that are of concern. Totally ensure the mortgage provider gives and supplies you with all that you want from that mortgage, whether this is the type, the rate, the term or the amount. All are important in getting the right mortgage for you.

When you have fully alleviated all of your queries about your mortgage and have reviewed and understand your mortgage and the quotations you have on your mortgage you are ready to go. Getting the best mortgage deal, mortgage rate or mortgage lender is not a science. By following the steps above you should easily find the mortgage that you require.


The types of mortgages available in the UK

Friday, June 26, 2009

There is a huge array of options available when it comes to choosing the type of mortgage you want to go with. Mortgage types are split into two types in the UK. You can either choose a repayment mortgage or an interest only mortgage.

The latter type would see you only repay interest applied to the loan which would mean you are never actually paying back the principal sum borrowed so while your monthly payments may be lower you are not repaying the debt so it will take much lower to pay back the whole loan. Therefore in the long run when interest is taken into account you will actually be repaying a lot more to the mortgage lender.

The second option is to go with a repayment mortgage. This will mean the monthly payment to the mortgage lender will repay part mortgage loan and part interest. Therefore as you are clearing more of the mortgage each month your overall debt will be cleared sooner and at a lower cost. The obvious disadvantage is that your monthly payments will be much higher so you should take this into account when choosing a mortgage type.

A mortgage broker would be able to advise you on this and most would work out the deposit you need as well as workout your monthly repayments so you can compare how much you would be repaying to the mortgage lender each month.

In the current economic climate affordability is a major factor when taking out a mortgage. When choosing which mortgage type to go with, it is important to ensure you can make the monthly repayments but also ensure that the mortgage is of the best value to you. Most mortgage brokers will search the whole of the market, using their services will mean you can find the best deal for you. Mortgage rates are changing more frequently than ever as the Bank of England changes interest rates in its attempt to turn the economy around. It may be better to hold off until mortgage lending rates improve. Mortgage brokers can go through the different types of mortgages to ensure you are prepared when you do decide to take out a mortgage.


Understanding Mortgages and Choosing the Best One to Suit Your Needs

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Mortgages are extremely handy financial devices which many homeowners take advantage of these days. They allow individuals to finance their home which provides them with other benefits as a result thereof. For example, by obtaining a mortgage on the home, the homeowner can pay off their house little by little and still have enough money left over each month for other pertinent living expenses. The mortgage is a wonderful tool which individuals should consider if they are interested in financing the purchase of a home. Prior to signing loan documents, one should have a firm grasp of the different types of mortgages so that they are able to choose the best one for their needs.

Fixed Rate Mortgages

Fixed rate mortgages are one type of mortgage that is available to homeowners. The fixed rate mortgage is set for a certain number of years at a particular interest rate. Therefore, over the life of the loan the homeowner will know exactly how much they are paying in principal and how much they are paying in interest. The interest of the loan will not change during that time period. This is a good type of loan for those who are uncertain as to what the future interest rates will be and wish to lock in a good rate right in the beginning. In addition, homeowners like fixed rate mortgages as they will always know just how much money they need to put aside each month in order to pay the mortgage on their home.

Adjustable Rate Mortgages

Another type of mortgage which many homeowners express an interest in is that of the adjustable rate mortgage. With an adjustable rate mortgage, the interest rate on the loan will fluctuate depending upon how the market is doing at that point in time. Therefore, an individual's monthly payment can vary when the interest rate is either increased or decreased. There are a few different pros and cons associated with the adjustable rate mortgage.

As for the positive aspects of the adjustable rate mortgage, a homeowner may be able to reap the benefits of a favorable interest rate and therefore pay less than they normally would had the mortgage been fixed. Secondly, individuals may be able to start out their mortgage with a low interest rate right in the beginning which is an appealing trait to many.

For those who look at the negative aspects of adjustable rate mortgages, they may discover that the interest rate hits a high level and stays there for a while which means that they have to pay much more each month than they did in the beginning. Also, adjustable rate mortgages can be unpredictable by nature and those who are on a set budget may worry that the rates will be too high for them to handle down the road.
Which Is Better?

When deciding which one to select, homeowners must determine whether they want a sure thing or whether they want to take a chance that their interest rate will be favorable throughout the life of the loan. In the end, it is up to the homeowner to look at their current and potential future financial state in order to make an informed decision whether to go with a fixed rate mortgage or adjustable rate mortgage.


Bad Credit Mortgages Can Be A Life Saver

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Having bad credit does not necessarily mean that one has to be ignored for a bad credit mortgage. Almost anyone with a bad credit is eligible to avail a mortgage. This of course will depend from each lending company to another. There will be some disadvantages of taking a bad credit mortgage. They may have higher interest rates, and also higher fees.

While trying to avail a bad credit mortgage the consumer must also compare all the interest rates before taking the plunge. It would also be a good idea to wait for a while and check if one is able to clear the existing credit before applying for the second mortgage, if they have one. It is also important that the lender understands the situation of the consumer, else there might be too much pressure for the repayment.

To ensure this relationship, the borrower can always explain the situation to the lender and tell them what happened, so that the lender will have a better understanding of why the consumer is approaching him. It would help a great deal if the borrower also had a small amount of savings in his bank account, so that he may be able to pay at least the first three installments on time.

Exploring legal issues is always a must when it comes to bad credit mortgage. First the consumer must make sure that he is allowed to cancel the loan within three days of applying, if he does not want it. The borrower must also ask for all the option details much before signing all the papers. There could also be options to request the lender for special options.

Spending a little time doing research for the comparison of rates, is a must as there could be chances that the borrower is missing out on something. Today there are many online options, and also ways of finding out which is the best lending company to approach. One must also not allow the lender to take advantage of them just because of the bad credit history.

The state of the bad credit can be actually improved with the mortgage, as at least this time by paying the installments on time it will give the consumer a chance to improve his credentials. Asking the lender to keep track of the repayment is also a must, as this can go into the credit history records. Through the bad credit mortgage one can also pool the debt into one channel and be free from several creditors’ harassment.

It is always a better option to choose a bad credit mortgage, but must also make sure it is on the right track, so that there will be no room to declare bankruptcy. There is no need to even stay with such a mortgage for a long period with fixed rate interest. The borrowers can opt out of this after they have made some regular payments to the lender. The down payment must also be considered when opting for this mortgage.


5 Key Points For Home Mortgage

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mortgage is one of the finance option provides facilities for the customer to buy the house or property.

Normally the mortgage is provided by the banks and other financial companies and institutions for the home and other property loan. Some mortgage companies are also working in USA to give mortgage facilities where you can get the proper information and advice as per your need. There are various types of condition apply while you are purchasing the home through mortgage.

Here are some key points to be considered before proceed for the mortgage loan:

1. Monthly payment against the mortgage facilities are based on many factors, considering all the factors and general rules the average of the monthly payment is around 25 to 33 percent of the gross income of loan holder.

2. The repayment period of the mortgage of the home loan would be 5, 10, 15, 20 and maximum 25 years. While the repayment period for the commercial property would be normally of 20 years for new property and 15 years for old property.

3. The mortgage company gives flexible option for the repayment of loan as well as in the time period that are suitable to the customers. You can select the repayment period depending on your ability after discussing with mortgage consultant.

4. The mortgage application is properly scrutinised by the mortgage company with related documentation. After proper analysis, based on present income the mortgage company decide the repayment terms and the amount of repayment.

5. The mortgage company check your credibility before sanction of mortgage loan. Nromally the mortgage company take the home documents as security against the mortgage loan. Once you repay your loan, the mortgage company give back all the documents of home.


Switch over to a better remortgage interest rate!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Have you been paying higher interest on your mortgage loan, bought or built your home with a loan? Now however the loan market is offering a lower interest rate against your home and your home has accumulated greater equity ever since it was last mortgaged? Surely you should be saving big money this way. And this is remortgage all about; get rid of higher interest rate mortgage by replacing it with a remortgage of cheaper rate. In the Northern Ireland, number of mortgage borrower shift to remortgaging options.

You will be lent an amount that is required to pay off remaining mortgage and you can borrow even more depending on current value of your home. On taking remortgage option, you also would be availing larger repayment duration which again reduces monthly outgo towards installments. This way you reduce your remortgage interest rate each month.

Options open before you while you remortgage from a mortgage loan!

With the passage of time, bad debt remortgage is gaining popularity. Bad debt remortgage facilitates you with lower rate of interest, flexible repayment terms and many more advantages. Bad debt remortgage holds special significance for homeowners.

You have lot many choices available now in terms of interest rates. For instance you may be offered a fixed or variable rate of interest for remortgaging. You should make sure which is more suitable. Each remortgage lender in the Ireland has individual conditions placed before the borrower which has necessitated the help of remortgage calculator and experts of the field.

How much do you have to pay?

Pay lower rate of interest with a remortgage loan. You can save up to 100 to 200, on your monthly payment. Save a large amount by refinancing your existing mortgage and use that for various purposes such as home improvement, purchase of new vehicle and many more.

Easily dispose off your earlier debt. In addition to this, you can extend the term of repayment of your debt. For instance, if your mortgage term was 10 years, for a sum of 20,000 and in 5 years you have paid 10,000. With bad debt remortgage, you can manage to extend the term of repayment of the loan amount again to 10 years. This automatically simplifies the whole procedure of repayment of the loan amount.

Reach out to the experts to attain best remortgage advice and switch over to a better deal. Don't mourn over your existing mortgage debt, clever way to escape is to, consolidate them into a low remortgage interest rate loan.


How to Obtain a Mortgage

Friday, June 5, 2009

Are you thinking about buying a new home? If so, you will probably need a mortgage unless you are one of the lucky people who have enough cash to pay outright. When it comes down to it, there is nothing wrong with taking out a mortgage. Sure, this will more than likely be the largest loan that you ever have, but with that in mind owning a home is a great pleasure.

The question is: how are you going to obtain a mortgage? There are many ways that you can do this. In today’s day and age, you may want to consider what you can get online. For many home buyers it is much easier for them to shop online than to talk directly with a mortgage company. Although you may have to deal with a live person sooner or later, you might as well get all the leg work out of the way online.

Of course, you could use a mortgage broker to help you find the best deal. The downfall of this is that you have to rely on the information that they give you. And in many cases a broker will do what they can to set you up with the mortgage that will make them the most money. Again, this is why you will want to do all of your research online before moving on with anything else.

Obtaining a mortgage is not as hard as you may think. The process can start online, and hopefully finish with a new home. Remember, there are many details that you will be responsible for during the mortgage application process. But with that being said, thousands of people secure a loan each and every week. There is no reason to believe that you cannot be next.


Benefits of Mortgage Calculators

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

mortgag4e calculatorMortgage calculators can be crucial for people who are looking into buying a home. While it is nice to think that people can buy a house without having to deal with a mortgage, most people who buy a home require a loan. The numbers and equations in obtaining a mortgage are enough to confuse anyone. Many people simply talk to their mortgage broker or the lender to try to figure out exactly how much a mortgage will cost them. There is a way to be informed on the mortgage as a first step to making any decisions. By using a mortgage calculator, you can figure your payments and basic costs. There are various calculators which can help you in any number of calculations.

What Calculators are available?

There are calculators available for almost any purpose you can imagine, below is a basic list available for mortgage purposes.

Debt Consolidation Calculator – Work out the benefits of consolidating your debts.
Cost Calculator – Work out how much it’s going to cost you to buy your house.
Repayment Calculator – What are your repayments going to be?
Borrowing Calculator – How much will a lender offer you? This is usually a very general calculator. The only definitive way to assess this is the speak to your lender or mortgage broker.
• There are also calculators for car loans, calculating balloon payments, the effect of extra repayment, lump sum repayments and many other purposes.
Know What You Can Afford

The first major benefit of a mortgage calculator is the ability to figure out what you can afford. While many people know what they can afford as far as monthly payments are concerned, they are unsure how interest and everything else plays into the numbers. The mortgage calculator gives you the luxury of playing with the interest rate, amount of deposit, and loan term to figure out what you can afford, and how to arrive at the loan amount that you can afford.

Know What Small Changes Do to your Payment

The next benefit is the simple idea that the mortgage calculator allows you to play with the numbers at will to understand how changes affect your monthly payment. By playing with the different numbers you can figure out the best way to get what you want in a realistic way.
Know your Price Range

When buying a house people often find they are unsure of how much they can afford. How does Interest rate or deposit impact the price they can afford to pay for a house? What is the maximum purchase price? Some people believe they can pay a certain amount, but can actually pay more. Being informed will allow you to buy better and give you an advantage when negotiating with the vendor.

Do Mortgage Calculators have limitations?

Mortgage calculators are a fantastic resource as a first step to securing a mortgage or buying a house. The simple nature of a calculator is also its greatest limitation; there are many factors to consider in obtaining a mortgage that a calculator does not cover. For example, a calculator does not look into your credit worthiness or the impact a credit default has on the interest rate, or the amount you can afford. It also does not consider or have the ability to work out exact loan costs for your particular situation. Mortgage Calculators should be viewed as a first step asset to obtaining a mortgage, but know they have their limitations.


Mortgage Calculators and Refinancing Your Mortgage

Sunday, May 31, 2009

refinance your mortgageMany years ago when interest rates seemed to be declining almost every day, I attempted to determine the exact point I could benefit from refinancing my home mortgage. At first I search the internet for a mortgage calculator that could aid me in my decision, but to my disappointment I discovered that they all lacked the sophistication necessary to be of much use.

In fact they were so seriously lacking in their complexity that they were nearly financially ineffectual. So after frustratingly realizing I was not going to find what I needed, I decided to build my own mortgage calculators and in 2005 I transferred them to a browser format making them available to the general public. You can try my mortgage calculators at Mortgage Calculators.

Determining the economic benefits of refinancing depends on many factors, i.e. 1) what is the rate on your existing loan, 2) what is the current rate at which you can refinance, 3) what will it cost you to refinance, 4) how long do you expect to hold the property hence hold the loan, and 5) what is the time value of money. My website can help guide you through a step by step approach in the application of these variables.

When creating any financial calculator or model there is a trade off between complexity and simplicity versus effectual and ineffectual and striking the right balance is the key to being a good analyst. "Mathematical modeling", "manipulation of numeric data" and "displaying numeric results" are all part of an art form! To think otherwise would produce less than superior results.

Most mortgage calculators leave out the ability for the user to adjust for how long they expect to hold the loan and none that I know of allow the user to adjust for the time value of money. Most do not allow the user to adjust for a mortgage that has already been amortizing for a significant period of time.

How do I do it? I combine 20 years of experience as an analyst on Wall Street with the following skill sets: coding in visual basic, yield curve construction, financial statement preparation, business plan development, complex derivative valuation, and risk management. I am a CPA in the state of New York.


How much house can I afford?

Friday, May 29, 2009

mortgage calculator
Buying a home can be a trying task. It is not necessary that the first home you buy has to be your dream home. Nevertheless, it calls for lot of cool headed calculations. There are many factors that are considered. The first thing that you are required to do is find out how much house you can afford. You can use the "how much house can I afford" calculator. Once you are confident with your finances you should take the plunge and buy a house. The mortgage calculators can be of great help if you want to find out your home affordability, interest rates, monthly mortgage payments, loan term, whether opting for FRM will benefit you or opting for ARM will be a better option.

The prevailing mortgage rates are low and if you have enough cash, you can buy a home. Many houses are also facing foreclosure. Reports suggest that Memphis (Tennessee) is a good place for making real estate investment. The real estate market in Memphis has shown a steady rise in employment and the houses that are facing foreclosure are being sold for a dollar range of USD$40,000 to USD$60,000.

The mortgage market has shown signs of revival but the pace is almost negligible. There is however, an air of optimism in the financial markets. The sale of single home units have increased, if not remarkably but comparatively. President Obama introduced the Mortgage Bailout Plan to help homeowners who are facing foreclosure. His Make Home Affordable plan is expected to bailout as many as 4 million to 5 million homeowners.

Mortgage Bailout Plans are usually introduced by the government when the real estate market is in a bad shape and needs a boost to recover. The mortgage bailout program introduced by Obama Administration in February 2009 failed to yield desired results as it addressed the needs of homeowners with primary mortgages. So, only those homeowners who qualified for the program were able to enjoy the benefits of the program.

In order to extend help to homeowners with second mortgages, President Obama introduced an expansion of the Make Home Affordable Plan in which the homeowners with 2nd mortgages will enjoy reduced interest rates and payments. It has been decided that every homeowner will be in a position to pay 1% less towards interest rate payments.


Reasons Behind Refinancing Mortgage

Sunday, May 24, 2009

mortgage refinanceMortgage refinancing has become a common practice these days. In the old days, when you get a mortgage, you stay with it until it's all paid out. But nowadays due to interest in real estate, investments and credit cards, consumers are becoming more in debt. Refinancing is a popular option for homeowners trying to stay out of the cycle of debt. Here are some reasons why refinancing could be the answer for you.

1. Lower interest rates. Interest rates can make all the difference to your monthly repayments, especially if you have an adjustable rate mortgage. You are probably ok for the first few years when the interest rates are still fixed. But when the rates start adjusting, your repayments could get out of hand. If you refinance at a time when the interest rates are low, you can lock in that low interest rate. This will make your budgeting easier at the same time you will have some extra cash to spend on other things.

2. Cash payout. You might have credit card debts or a Christmas fund that needs some extra cash. This might not be a small about, and usually you can't get your hands on that much cash without having to take out another loan. However when you refinance, you can get a cash payout equal to the amount that you have paid into the mortgage and the current appraised value of the home. You could get that money and even with a lower interest rate.

3. Shorten your loan term. Most common mortgages for from 20-30 years. If you have a fixed rate loan, your repayments will stay the same for the duration of your loan. The longer your loan is, the more interest you will be paying in the long run. If you have extra money, you should pay off your home loan. Refinancing to a lower term mortgage, say from 30 to 15, will also lower the amount you pay for your interest by almost fifty percent. Also if you've already paid off ten years of your mortgage, refinancing will mean that you will pay off your loan five years earlier.

4. Better credit rating. When you first borrowed money for your mortgage, your credit rating may not be so good. Perhaps you were only able to get an adjustable rate mortgage with a slightly higher interest rate. Five years later your credit rating may have improved. Hence you could now qualify for a fixed rate loan. This way your monthly repayments are more stable, even so you should only switch to fixed rate loan when the market rate is low.

There are many advantages to refinancing your mortgage. The important thing is the shop around and wait for the right moment.


How to Calculate a Mortgage and Figure Out Your Monthly Payments

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

calculate mortgageThe fastest way to calculate a mortgage is to use a mortgage calculator. There are several types of mortgage calculators, and there's one for your every need.

There's fixed rate mortgage calculator, a mortgage amortization calculator, an adjustable rate mortgage calculator, a balloon mortgage calculator, a refinance mortgage, an APR mortgage calculator, and many more.

A Fixed rate calculator is one of the most common calculators online. This is used to calculate a mortgage with a fixed interest rate. The values required here are your loan term, your loan size, and the interest rate.

If you want to calculate a mortgage payment, by month, enter the amount the company will loan you and the repayment schedule you prefer. Do you prefer a daily, a weekly, a monthly, or an annual calculation?

An adjustable rate calculator (ARM) requires different values and information from a fixed mortgage calculator. With an adjustable rate mortgage, the borrower starts off with a low interest rate, but bears the risk of future increases in mortgage rates.

On the other hand, if mortgage rates drop, the borrower reaps the benefits. With an ARM calculator, future adjustments can also be calculated using a predicted adjustment interest rate.

A balloon mortgage, typically, is a 10-year program. During the term, the borrower can pay only a fraction of the mortgage loan. However, when the mortgage "balloons," the borrower has to pay the unpaid balance.

With a balloon mortgage calculator, you can calculate a mortgage loan remainder once the mortgage balloons if you pay only a certain amount each month.

With a refinance mortgage calculator, you will see how much your potential savings will be, and also the number of months it may before you'd break even on closing costs.

APR or annual percentage rate shows the total cost of a mortgage by putting into the equation not only the interest rate but also other fees and points. If you want to calculate a mortgage and its real cost to the borrower, use an APR mortgage calculator.

Want more info on how to calculate a mortgage? Check out, a popular mortgage site that shows you how to find the best mortgage rates quickly and easily.


Cheap Mortgage Calculator

Monday, May 18, 2009

cheap mortgage calculatorA mortgage calculator is basically an online calculator that works in much the same way as an ordinary calculator. The difference is that it will specifically allow a person to calculate the actual costs of his/her mortgage. These calculators are available all over the Internet - some are situated on lender sites and only work with their own products and some are to be found on financial 'portals' or on broker sites and will have a broader range..

A mortgage calculator is useful in calculating monthly mortgage repayment at a given interest rate or for a specific mortgage product. It also compares repayment costs on different types of mortgage. It calculates time and money a person could save by overpaying on mortgage. A mortgage calculator is helpful in finding out the additional costs of products/services that are mortgage related such as stamp duty, repayment protection insurance, buildings and contents insurance, convincing estimates.

A mortgage calculator helps homebuyers to decide about their monthly payment using
principal, interest rate, loan term, loan cost, property information and insurance costs.
Principal is the amount of money borrowed; loan costs consist of payment for closing, evaluation, loan instigation fee and other settlement costs. Mostly the mortgage calculators take into account two sets of information, loan information and property information.

The different types of mortgages for which a mortgage calculator can be used are balloon mortgage, adjustable rate mortgages, jumbo mortgages, sub-prime Mortgage and assumable mortgage. But most commonly used type is Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Calculator, which offers attractive interest rates but the payment is not fixed. It is also helpful in determining adjustable mortgage payments and a fully amortizing ARM. The monthly payment is calculated to payoff the entire mortgage balance at the end of the term. The term is typically 30 years. After completion of fixed interest rate period, the interest rate and payment adjusts at the frequency destined.

ARM loans have four major types of payment options such as minimum payment, interest-only payment, fully amortizing 30-year payment and fully amortizing 15-year payment.


Use Debt Calculator To Solve Your Finance

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Some of the most powerful tools on the Internet today are the various debt calculators. Yet, it can be surprising to learn just how few consumers actually use them. Debt calculators are exactly what they sound like. They are online calculators that can help consumers better understand their loans. The nifty part about them is that they can do a lot of various chores for those who use them.

There are debt calculators that are designed to work on simple loans. With these debt calculators you simply input the amount of money that you want to borrow, the interest rate that is being charged for the money, and the length (usually in months) of the loan. The tool will then return to you what the payment would be for that particular loan. The interesting and useful part of this is that you can input various rates, amounts, and term lengths to get a much better sense of your possible outcomes.

Debt calculators can be used for a variety of loan types. These include auto loans, cash loans, and even home loans. The more complex the loan, however, the more robust the debt calculator needs to be. Thankfully, that is not a problem. In fact, there are many online calculators that are designed to answer specific questions for you.

For example, under the home mortgage calculators that are available, you can find calculators that will help you determine just how much house you can afford. There are others that will help you decide if you should rent or buy. Others can help you better understand the long term issues of amortization.

Some of the most popular are those that help consumers understand closing costs when they are planning to buy a home. There are also many useful debt calculators that can help consumers with understanding refinance issues.

For those planning on buying a home in the near future, some of the most powerful and useful debt calculators are geared up to help with mortgage type information. In other words, there are debt calculators that can show you how an adjustable rate mortgage will work out and then compare that to what a fixed rate mortgage would work out to. This kind of information can be invaluable when looking for a home loan. The best part is that you do the work on your own time and there is no pressure to move toward one type of loan over the other. Debt calculators are impersonal. You put in the data and it returns an answer.

There are other types of debt calculators available as well. Some of these, as mentioned above, can help you decide on a car loan. Some can help you understand the monetary difference between buying a car and leasing the same car. Again, the information that you get back is impersonal and the final decision as to what will work best for you is up to you.

Debt calculators are a great way to get the inside information that consumers need in order to make intelligent decisions. Most of these are free to use and come with detailed instructions.


Advantage of A Secured Loan Calculator

Friday, May 15, 2009

secured loanGoing online to find the cheapest rates of interest and best deal when it comes to taking out a loan is one of the quickest ways of getting the best deal and a specialist website will make some of the best tools available to make the job of securing the cheapest rates of interest easy. One of the best tools is the online secured loan calculator, by using this tool you are able to search with the whole of the marketplace to make sure that you have to best loan possible.

Interest rates for secured loans vary greatly so the more quotes you can get before you decide which to take out the better chance you will have of getting the best deal possible with the lowest rates. An online secured loan calculator makes this task easy and quick and along with this you are able to get a vast amount of information regarding secured loans so that you are able to make the right choice when comparing quotes.

A secured loan allows you to borrow a much greater amount of money over a longer period of time than an unsecured, personal loan would, but you have to remember that the longer the term of the loan then the more interest will be added onto the cost of the borrowing. You also have to take into account this is a secured loan which means that you are going to be putting up your home as security against the amount you are going to borrow, the amount you are actually able to borrow will depend on how much equity you have in your home along with other factors. As you are using your home as equity and security then while you are repaying the loan your home is at risk of being repossessed if you cannot manage to keep up the repayments.

A secured loan calculator will help you to not only find the cheapest rates of interest and best loan but will also be able to help when it comes to deciding how long to take the loan out over and how much the monthly loan repayments will be. You will have to compromise against monthly low repayments and the length of the loan bearing in mind it will accumulate more interest over time.

Once you have got quotes using a secured loan calculator then you have to also compare the small print and key facts of the loans. However a specialist website should include these in with the quotes for the loan, it is essential that you do read these as this is where you can find additional costs which could be added onto the loan, examples of such costs include early repayment fees and payment protection. Payment protection insurance should not automatically be included in the cost of the quote but it has been known to happen, so check to make it hasn’t. If you want peace of mind that payment protection can bring then you can buy it independently with a specialist provider much cheaper.


Way To Use A Home Improvement Calculators

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

In this country, money spent on home improvements by homeowners continues to grow each year. A recent study conducted by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies concluded that homeowners spent $149.5 billion on home improvements during 2005. This represents an increase of 4.3 percent money spent over the levels in the year 2004.

Homeowners generally use some type of home improvement loan to finance their home improvement projects.However, the process of trying to figure out how money is needed and how much that homeowner can reasonably afford tends to be tricky business.

Home improvement loan resources that are available via the internet can reduce much of the research time from the financing process. There are many of home improvement loan calculators within easy reach on the internet. Many home improvement loan calculator resources on the internet are both user friendly and include clear explanations of the home improvement loan options available.

Learning how to use a home improvement loan calculator can help homeowners try various loan combinations to see which home improvement loan option best fits their financial situation. A homeowner can find out how different home improvement loan options will translate in terms of repayment costs in just a few minutes. Homeowners can also see the amount of money they can borrow and the tax savings that are available.

Using a home improvement loan calculator isn't difficult. The basic steps are as follows:

1. Enter the loan amount. This is the amount of money you want to borrow.
2. Enter the rate. This is the interest rate you would prefer to pay. (Note: This is not necessarily the interest rate for which you will qualify.)
3. Enter the term of the loan. This is the length of time you want to take to repay the loan.
4. Click the calculate button.
The resulting numbers will give you an estimate of the principle and interest payments required to repay your home improvement loan.

Homeowners should be fully aware of all terms, fees, costs and charges involved in the home improvement loan in addition to the schedule for repayment. Home improvement loan scams can be a big problem for homeowners, especially senior citizens. This report comes from the Better Business Bureau and the National Consumer Law Center. It is very much a case of buyer beware when it comes to home improvement loan financing options. Do yourself a favor and learn how to use a home improvement loan calculator. This can give you a good head start on getting a great home improvement loan.


Secured Loan Calculators

There are several benefits to using a secured loan calculator including, but not limited to, helping you find the lowest rates of interest and which loan best suites your needs, but it may also be able to help when it comes time to decide the length of time the loan will span and how much monthly loan payments will be.

One of the best tools available to find low rates of interest as easily as possible is a website specializing in loans and offers a secured loan calculator directly on the site. By using this tool you are able to search the entire loan marketplace to make sure you have found the best loan possible for your particular needs in the quickest time possible. This will make it easier to secure the lowest interest rates available.

It would be wise to get as many quotes as possible considering interest rates may vary greatly when it comes to secured loans. An online secured loan calculator will make this task easier and save a lot of valuable time, so by the time you have to decide which loan to choose the better chance you will have of getting the best deal with the lowest rate.

When you find a secured loan calculator online, you will see that it offers such a vast amount of information that it will help you make the right choice when you find yourself in the position of comparing many of your quotes side by side. A secured loan is exactly that, so remember you will be putting something up for collateral such as currently owned property and the amount you will borrow will be based upon the equity you may have been building in the property you are using toward securing the loan, among other factors.

When using the secured loan calculator it will help you find lower payments if this is what you are seeking, keep in mind more interest will accumulate over time if you choose the loan with the longer length of repayment allowed. It could be a compromise between low monthly payments vs. length of the loan.

A secured loan offers a larger amount of money to be borrowed over a longer period compared to that of an unsecured loan or a personal loan. A secured loan calculator will help you determine how much interest will be added to the cost of borrowing a large amount with a longer repayment period.

Be sure not to overlook the other factors within the loan that could mean additional costs added where you may not have been expecting to pay more. Examples of such will include repayment fees, payment protection insurance and any others you were not expecting that the secured loan calculator cannot show you. You can always buy payment protection insurance later if you choose.

The same website that you have found your secured loan calculator should include the listed facts pertaining to the loan and any small print, with which you should become familiar and are usually included in the quotes for review and approval by the customer.


Refinance Calculator At Your Door Step

Monday, May 11, 2009

Refinancing is like shopping, and your mortgage can be classified as a totally major purchase. That's why the phrase "shop wisely" applies. As consumers, we always want to get our hands on the best deals for us, so we research on the specs, look around, and compare. The same goes for mortgages. Nowadays, the choices widely vary and different loan companies offer different kinds of interest rates. Sometimes, it can become quite confusing to determine the best deal to get. That's why resources such as a refinance calculator can come in handy.

Using A Special Calculator

We've already established that securing the best mortgage for you can be a daunting process. With a refinance calculator, the hassles of computing numbers will ease up. You can easily use a refinance calculator to determine what different mortgage rates and corresponding terms will cost you. Some refinance calculators even allow you to compare up to 3 or 4 different mortgage rates.

How it Works

To use the calculator, you usually need to have the following information to input into the entry fields:

- the loan interest rate also called the mortgage rate

- the amount you intend to loan also known as the principal or the mortgage amount

- the period in which you will be repaying your loan also known as the loan term

Other information that you need to know to get an accurate number for monthly payments includes:

- mortgage insurance

- property taxes

- property insurance

If you the above-mentioned are applicable to you and you have updated data, then never take these for granted since they will be a substantial part of your loan repayments.

Once you key-in these necessary details, the calculator will automatically compute the payments you'll need to make every month. Other uses of such calculators include comparison of various loan amounts and outcome of different mortgage rates, as well as shorter or longer payment terms.

Whether you're looking to refinance your mortgage, moving to a new house or buying your first one or you're simply keeping track of your financial status, always keep a loan calculator handy. It will make your task far more convenient for anyone, even a math genius.

What's Next?

After using your refinance calculator and knowing how much you can afford, you now need to find a mortgage company that has the best deal for you. A good deal may differ for each person according to present financial status, source of income, number of dependents, and so many more. So aside from relying on other people's testimonials on mortgage companies, it's also best to consult the advice of a financial expert. And don't just settle on the first good deal you see. Find two other good deals before you close.

Once you've found the best loan company for you, make sure you have the necessary documents ready to jumpstart your loan application. Don't wait until after the last minute to secure these papers since they could also take time to process.


Property Investment Calculator

Sunday, May 10, 2009

1. Investment property calculators

Things such as investment property calculators can be easily found. They are useful because they can produce private investment property cost estimates.

2. How an investment property calculator works

Algorithms are used in these calculators to determine rough values of investments. It combines factors such as rent, cash operating revenue, cash operating expenses, the amount of taxes in order to measure income changes that result from owning a private investment property.

3. What an investment property calculator is

Of course, you should know that an investment property calculator is nothing but a rough estimation of how much an investment property would cost and you shouldnt take it for accurate real financial advice. Before you make an investment it is best to consult a financial adviser. It might also take back a note and then cash out by selling the note.

Maybe the pent and the seller sets more flexible terms. Again, the benefits here are lower transaction costs and the opportunity for the seller to reduce interest costs. The seller can write a trust deed for any number of years and at whatever terms work for both parties. The sellerroperty has deferred maintenance or a high vacancy rate and the banks will not finance it. If there is no loan, the seller can play banker and use a trust deed to create a transaction whereby the buyer makes a lower down payment.

I would only recommend wrap financing if you have some extra money in standby reserve to buy a new loan in case the existing one is called. Also, make certain payments are made to the original lender by using a third-party contract collection company, thus protecting both the buyer's and seller's interests.

4. Assumptions made by investment property calculator

Assumptions produced by these calculators can be used to simplify algorithms. Such assumptions include approximating your cash operating expenses to be the same for all the months of the year. Depreciation is not considered and the building allowance is not exact.


Evaluate A Reverse Mortgage With A Mortgage Calculator

Saturday, May 9, 2009

If you are like most retired adults, you own a home but have very little else for retirement. However, if you sell your house, you won't have a place to live! So here's your problem: you need money to live on, but the only thing that you own of value is the place you live.

A reverse mortgage can give you the answer this retirement dilemma. This option sells your house a piece at a time, instead of all at once. Also, you get to live in your home. You can use a mortgage calculator to determine the monthly cost of home equity loans or refinancing. Also, you can use this mortgage calculator to figure out how much your loan would cost you in total.

First, call a real estate agent. They will be more than happy to tell you how much your home would sell for, and how to increase its value. Depending on your level of savvy and the time you could commit to it, this could pay off handsomely. The reason is that the amount that a reverse mortgage will pay you is based on your home's value. So, if there is an easy way to increase the value of your home, do it before applying for a reverse mortgage.

You can use a mortgage calculator to find out if you should get a home equity loan before you get your reverse mortgage. The mortgage calculator will tell you how much, in total, a home equity loan would cost you for the short time between the repairs and the reverse mortgage. But be careful. Don't spend more remodeling than it will increase your home's value. Also, if you love something about your house, don't change it. After all, you still get to live in it.

Okay, now that you know how much your house would sell for, it is time to look into a reverse mortgage loan. You can use a special mortgage calculator to find out how much each different loan would give you. This mortgage calculator bases its results on four things: your age, your house's value, your house's location and your lender. More than one company offers a mortgage calculator, so it is best to check with AARP to see if it is a valid program. The mortgage calculator on their website is very simple, but it is a good place to start.

But why is it called a loan? Because, when you are done with the house, the lender wants money, not the house. Of course, if the house sells for more than you were paid, your heirs may get some of it. This is a detail you should work out when you get the loan. Again, there are mortgage calculator programs to help you figure this out. If you still have a loan on your property, you will have to pay it off before you get your money.

Once you have done your own research, it is time to talk to a professional. The real estate agent that you spoke to before should be glad to give you a list of good lenders and mortgage brokers. They will walk you through the process. Read every document. Ask questions about anything that you don't understand. And soon, instead of paying a mortgage every month, you will be able to receive a check instead.

Visit to know more:


Follow My Tips While Using A Loan Calculator

Friday, May 8, 2009

When it comes to getting a loan for your mortgage and using a mortgage calculator, you should definitely know the differences in a home equity loan and a home loan. First, a home loan is basically your first loan when purchasing a home. This could mean first time buyers or seasoned buyers that are just looking for a different home. A home equity loan is a type of loan that uses the equity within your home to determine how much you can receive. This type of loan is typically referred to as a second mortgage; additionally with this type of loan, the interest rates are higher than that of a home loan.

When you are wanting to obtain a home equity loan you should use a mortgage calculator specific for home equity to determine what the different areas of using your equity in relation to the payment is required. These calculators typically help you to determine if this action is the best for you or not. One thing that a mortgage calculator can really help you with is determining if refinancing the home entirely is a better alternative for you. It can help you with a variety of options when it comes to refinancing, and this is especially true if you have a great deal of equity within your home. If you input these figures into the mortgage calculator, you will be able to itemize and compare which of the options or alternatives is best suited for you.

Typically obtaining a home equity loan is appealing to an owner, for the simple reason that the mortgage lending company or person makes it appealing and wants your property. Prior to agreeing or signing any paper you will want to figure out all details he or she is offering you and consult with your mortgage calculator, you will want to make sure that your calculations match the ones he presented you. One thing that is truly imperative is that you fully understand all obligations required of you when you are obtaining a home equity loan, there is nothing worse than having your home become threatened with foreclosure because there was something you did not understand.

You should consider all of your options to make informed and calculated decisions, as refinancing your home or obtaining home equity loans is a big decision for anyone to make. Do not go into lightly and only sign agreements or contracts that you completely and fully understand.


Online Mortgage Repayment Calculator

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Understanding how your mortgage works is the key to getting it at the best available price. You know that what you will be paying will depend on the size of the mortgage, the number of years over which it is going to be repaid, and the interest rate applied. But how do all these factors interrelate and, if one changes, what happens to the other figures?

It is finding the answers to these fairly fundamental questions that makes a mortgage repayment calculator such an indispensable tool. Finding such a calculator is very simple – just key "mortgage repayment calculator" into your internet search engine and you will be presented with a wide range of websites hosting an easy-to-use calculator. An especially neat and straight forward calculator appears on the money pages of the Guardian newspaper. Not only does this particular version distinguish between repayment and interest-only mortgages, but also lists the remaining mortgage balance you still owe after a given number of years, together with the amount of interest you will have paid by each year.

Using mortgage repayment calculators is simplicity itself. There will be one box in which you fill in the size of the mortgage you want to borrow. A second box will invite you to indicate the number of years over which the mortgage is to be repaid and a third box will ask for the applicable interest rate.

The resulting calculation will show you what the monthly repayments will be, the total sum of interest that you will need to pay over the term of the mortgage and (with most calculators) the balance outstanding on the mortgage over successive years.

The calculators are completely free to use, so can be experimented with as often as you like and until you are entirely comfortable with what information needs to be input and just what the results have to tell you.

There is something of a thrill in seeing the figures emerge so easily and quickly from the mortgage repayment calculator, since the sums involved are really quite complicated. With repayment mortgages, for example, they need to take into account that you will be paying interest on a diminishing outstanding mortgage balance, yet also that the interest payable needs to be "compounded" (outstanding interest due needs to be added back to the diminishing balance of the principal, because you will in effect be paying interest on the interest). Payments on interest-only mortgages, of course, are a lot easier to calculate – involving the multiplication of the amount borrowed, by the number of years, by the interest paid.

The mortgage repayment calculator really comes into its own, of course, when you have some serious decisions to make about your mortgage. If it is your first, then you will want to know down to the last penny just how much the monthly repayments will be for the interest rate you are quoted. You may also probably want to compare the shorter- and longer-term costs of a repayment mortgage against an interest only mortgage. The calculator will help you compare the offers available from competing mortgage lenders. If you already have a mortgage, you might be interested in the effects of any rise or reduction in interest rate. Would a remortgage be a sensible offer? Again, the mortgage repayment calculator will be an indispensable tool in helping you decide.


Can You Save Money With A Mortgage Calculator?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

When it comes to mortgages, there are so many different variables that come into play, it’s sometimes hard to know what your payments will be.

A mortgage calculator can save you a lot of money

Even if you already have a mortgage, you might want to gauge how quickly you could repay your mortgage if you increased your payments to a certain amount or the amount you would have to pay each month to repay your mortgage within a certain about out time.

You don’t have to be a mortgage expert to do these calculations. Using a mortgage calculator you can input information about your mortgage and the variable you want to change and find out numbers you are looking for.

Types of Mortgage Calculators

A mortgage loan payment calculator calculates the amount of your monthly payment based on the amount of the loan, the interest rate, points charged by the lender, cost of the loan, and the length of the loan.

By adjusting these factors in the mortgage calculator, you can estimate how your monthly payments will change. For example, if you are unsure of your interest rate, you can test various interest rates to see how your monthly payment will be affected.

Another scenario you can test using a mortgage calculator is how your monthly payment will change if shorten or lengthen the amount of the loan.

Some mortgage calculators allow you to test the amount you can afford to pay for a mortgage.

Into the mortgage calculator you enter your income information, the amount of down payment you would like to pay, debt information, and loan information. The mortgage calculator will return to you the amount you should qualify. The calculator also gives you the monthly payment and tax information for the mortgage you are qualified for.

Finding a Mortgage Calculator

Locating a mortgage calculator isn’t difficult at all. You can easily find one by entering the phrase “mortgage calculator” into a search engine.

The search engine will return several results of websites to you. Look at the different calculators and play around with the functionality offered. offers a mortgage calculator that is fairly easy to use. You can find the calculator by visiting the website and typing “mortgage calculator” in the search box.

In the calculator, enter your mortgage information and monthly payments, and then click the “Show/Recalculate Amortization Table” button. You will be shown a table listing your payments for the length of your loan, along with the principal and interest with that payment and the balance of your loan.

Using Bankrate’s mortgage calculator, you can also calculate the affects of adding extra money to your monthly payment, adding a lump sum annual payment, or a one-time payment during a specific month and year. When you recalculate the amortization table you can see the effect of the payments on your mortgage.

A mortgage calculator is a good way to play with factors associated with your mortgage and see the effect those factors have on your monthly payment and total payoff. If you have a mortgage, or you are thinking about getting one, a mortgage calculator will be of assistance to you. Download a free ebook that shows you how to get the best mortgage: Mortgages Your Complete Guid


Should You Refinance Your Mortgage?-Take Help From Mortgage Calculator

Monday, May 4, 2009

Interest rates constantly fluctuate, so when is the time right to refinance your home? One of the tools that can help you decide this is a mortgage calculator.

It shows you what your new payments will be, and whether the difference is worth the leap right now.

The most common reason to do a straight refinance is to take advantage of lower interest rates to lower the payment or reduce the term (the number of years to finish paying off the note.)

To work with a refinance mortgage calculator, you'll need to know details about your current loan like the original loan amount, the original term (number of years to pay off), the number of months you've already paid, your interest rate, and, perhaps, the number of years until you intend to sell.

For the new loan, the mortgage calculator will want to know the loan points and interest rate on the new loan and approximate closing costs. Don't even try to figure it out on your own. Just look up several refinance mortgage calculators on the net and open them in separate windows or tabs in your browser. Start filling the figures into one after another, setting them to calculate as soon as they are loaded. Now, take a break, drink something uncaffeinated and relax a bit. When you're ready, return to the computer for the news.

Have a look at the figures for monthly payment, term, and the breakeven date. See if the mortgage calculators come anywhere near agreeing. Like the scoring in the old Olympics, throw out the high and low numbers and average the rest to get an approximation on your savings.

What you are concerned with is the breakeven date. The breakeven date is determined by the mortgage calculator as the month in which the savings on the mortgage covers the cost of the refinance itself. If the breakeven date is five years down the road and you're selling in four, then it doesn't matter how good the interest rates are.

You'll still lose money. On the other hand, if you're expecting to stick around more than five years, now is the time to go for it. You can redo the figures on the mortgage calculators with different interest rates and different terms (number of years to repay) to see where the breakeven point and the terms line up with what you can afford to give you the best deal.

But what if you have a different reason to refinance, say to "cash out" the equity of your home, for whatever reason. Emergencies happen, debt consolidation need to occur, and a good mortgage calculator can still help you figure out how to get your best deal.

When you feel like you know what you want, print out the best options, collect up your documents and head to the mortgage broker. One note: a refinance is a new note; you will be paying all appraisal fees, points and closing costs associated with a brand new note. The mortgage calculator doesn't take this into account. Proceed carefully and cautiously.

Don't sign until you understand everything!

Read my free E-book:Free Ebook


2nd Mortgage Calculator

Sunday, May 3, 2009

If you are willing to obtain a second mortgage you need to have all of your ducks in a line before you move forward with the process. Taking out a second mortgage is just as big a decision as buying a home. The only difference with a second mortgage is that you are getting money instead of of property. One of the best ways to be on track for second mortgage is to use a Mortgage calculator. If you have access to the internet, you will be able to find a second mortgage calculator that suits you need.

Although you have enough knowledge to figure the numbers out on your own, you would be much better off using a second mortgage calculator just to ensure that you are dealing with accurate information. The first step in using a second mortgage calculator is to find the right one which suits your needs. The easiest way to do find this is information is by using favorite search engine with input “second mortgage calculator” into the search box. This will allow you to have your choice of hundreds of calculators. Check out few of them before you decide about the loan calculator that you are going to use time and time again.

Once you have made a decision on best second mortgage calculator for you, the next step is to become familiar with it. Generally speaking, a second mortgage calculator is pretty much self explanatory. You have to input the amount of the loan that you are to receive,interest rate and input a value for the term of the loan. From there, the second mortgage calculator will tell you about money you are going to owe each month.

The only thing that you want to make sure of is that you are inputting the right information. Remember, the information that you put into a second mortgage calculator is going to dictate what you get back. So giving accurate details is quite important. If you are going to get a second mortgage, you might as well use a calculator to help you with the numbers. There are many second mortgage calculators available online. All you have to do is find one that is easy to use, and input the numbers that you are going to be dealing with.


Mortgage Calculator-a useful tool

Saturday, May 2, 2009

One of today’s most useful tools for helping you to budget your mortgage is a mortgage calculator. Most mortgage calculators are free to use and can provide some very helpful information that will assist you in finding the perfect mortgage fit for your needs.

A mortgage calculator is a great tool used to assist you in budgeting for your new mortgage. A good mortgage calculator will allow you to figure your monthly payments based on what kind of interest rate, taxes, and insurance you plug in the calculator. Here is how this useful tool can assist you in avoiding common mistakes that happen when refinancing your mortgage.

Mortgage calculators will provide you with valuable information about your mortgage loan. A better mortgage calculator will show you a breakdown of your monthly payment information and your amortization tables. This will help you understand how your mortgage loan works and were your money is being divided to pay for your mortgage loan. When amortization with a mortgage calculator the results will show you the process of paying principle and interest graphically, while using a mortgage calculator will help you to grab the concept of the complicated financial part of amortization.

When using a mortgage calculator you will need to provide the financial amount of the mortgage principle, your interest rate, your property taxes, and any private mortgage insurance that you might have to pay. Some may ask for additional information such as term or other related rates. The calculator will then figure out your payment amount and show you an estimate of how the interest is paid over the term of the loan. Most mortgage loans have the most interest at the beginning of the loan term. Almost all of your payments are pocketed by the mortgage company for the interest amount due. However as the loan ages, the ratio of interest to principle gradually changes so that more of your payment goes directly back to the loan.

So, if you’re in the process of refinancing our mortgage you might want to use a mortgage calculator so that you can avoid the mistake of taking out more mortgage then you can afford. If your looking for additional information about mortgage calculators you can read more about this article and others like it by going to

Finally remember to always use a mortgage calculator from a establish mortgage company or website. Some calculators can provide information that might be hard to understand or misleading.

You may read more about this article and others like it by going to Here you will find other helpful mortgage information and great articles that will assist you in finding the right mortgage lender.


Mortgage Calculator

Friday, May 1, 2009

Finding mortgage loan offers in the UK is not difficult. From newspaper advertisements to surfing the Internet, mortgage loans sporting low interest rates and additional benefits to entice borrowers to sign up are literally everywhere. But, when a mortgage offer claims that it can save 'x' amount over the competition, how can you be sure just how much it will save you when applied to your own mortgage loan? Moreover, if the deal offered is short-term, how much will the offer's standard mortgage rates compare with the mortgage rates you are currently paying for your loan? The answer to these conundrums is to compare the mortgage offers against each other, and to do this we need a loan calculator mortgage calculator.

Making comparisons with a loan calculator mortgage calculator

A loan calculator mortgage calculator is a clever little web program that is freely available on many loan and mortgage related websites. The principal behind a loan calculator mortgage calculator is quite simple - input the amount of the mortgage loan into the calculator along with the interest rate applied to the loan and the loan duration, hit the 'submit' button and 'hey presto' you have a schedule of monthly loan repayments. So, for two or more mortgage offers you can enter the loan parameters into the calculator along with your mortgage balance and get an idea of what a particular mortgage offer will cost you each month, as well as what it will cost you in total over the lifetime of the loan.

To accurately compare your loan calculator results for different mortgage offers it is a good idea to print off each set of loan calculations from the calculator and make a side-by-side analysis of them. If the calculator you are using cannot handle multiple interest rates across the life of the loan then you may need to do several calculations to arrive at the final loJustify Fullan cost before making your side-by-side comparison. As an example, if you were to spend say 4 years on a fixed interest rate of 4.5%, and then change to a standard rate of 6.75% you will need to make two calculations - one at 4.5% to work out repayments across the first 4 years, and then a second calculation at 6.75% for the remainder of the mortgage term.

Aside from mortgage loan comparisons a loan calculator mortgage calculator can be used to work out how much of a mortgage loan you can afford in the first place. To do this simply choose a calculator that allows you to 'reverse' the calculation process by entering the repayment amount that you want to pay / can afford to pay each month and the interest rate. The calculator will take the loan input information and from it extrapolate the total mortgage loan you can apply for. Do bear in mind though that mortgage companies are rarely willing to lend more than 3.5 times your salary on a 75% mortgage or any loan greater than 75%.